'Adware 2007' has a free version and a paid version, and it will keep your system running smoothly. I run this program before I start working my 'liveops' job, and I run it over and over again until all the junk is gone!

Keep in mind sometimes the all the junk that is stored on the computer EVEN if you don't surf that much is like an onion. Once you removed the first layer you may have a second level you need to peel away. When you do this the first time you might be surprised at how much junk you will find! Don't freak out about it! Its just part of using the computer, and when you use 'adware free' version you can remove it on a regular basis.

I run this program over and over again until 'adware free' tells me I have nothing at all on my system! Remember the ONION theory! Make sure you get all the layers taken care of!

I thought today a video on 'adware free' version would be a good visional! Again I use this on a regular basis to keep my computer running smoothly for liveops!

Keep in mind your program may look a little different than the screens you see in the video, but the same principals apply! I don't have to 'select all' to remove the junk from my computer, but if you are using an older version you will!

Well that is my 'Computer Mainenance Programs' tutorial for the day!

Its easy and you can do it to! GOOD LUCK!