You have to learn to set goals for yourself not only in personal life, but in you business life as well! You must have a final destination in mind before you can figure out how to get there! Goal setting helps bring your final destination into better focus!

Keep in mind goals require discipline! Your discipline will make all the difference in the world! You will need to write these goals down, and remember the three criteria!


Since this is Holiday Time, and some of us will want to EAT our hearts out how soon so:

Lose 20 pounds


Okay! I want to lose my 20 pounds by Christmas day!


To lose my 20 pounds by Christmas:
1) Eat one good meal everyday.
2) Need to Exercise at least 3 times a week
3) Cut out the junk food, and drink more water

Once you write that goal down on paper it will seem MORE real to you! We all have talent. Our challege is turning out talent into ability, and that is where our discipline makes all the difference in the world. It will be your talent in business that allows you to reach those goals.

Its no good starting a business you aren't going to enjoy. To help assure yourself that you are a good fit, and have the proper personality to met the demands of your choosen business you need to truly explore your beliefs, needs and interests.

Keep in mind your first year in business is going to feel like you have no time for anything! Please be careful NOT to ignore your personal and family needs, and let me tell you people do this all the time. You are looking for trouble when you go down that road.

Balance is KEY! Balance can be hard if you don't plan well. One of the best ways to allocate your time between personal and business needs is to examine your personal goals FIRST, and then see how they relate to the demands and opportunities that are going to be presented by your business.

Personal Goal Setting Worksheet

Next Three Months - Write your description




Action Steps:




Next six months goal - Write your Description




Action Steps:




Next 12 Months - Write out your description




Action Steps:




Make sure you give yourself specific description of your goal. You need to have at LEAST 3-4 steps for your action plan that you need to do to achieve them.

Once you have completed your personal goal setting worksheet start to examine how your business goals relate to your personal ones. You may decide to change a business goal because of a personal goal, and visa versa!

Get this completed, and your on your way to learn to set goals!